I begin with the end.
If tomorrow marked the conclusion of my life, there is a specific piece of music that I would like to be played.
I used it as part of my wedding speech - I suppose it is appropriate to play it at my funeral as well.
Here is Sean Connery's Scottish-flavoured spoken version of The Beatles' hit.
The song hits home on so many fronts - the people and places that have become part of my life. Those who were there, journeying together in good times and bad, throughout the years. There were so many of them. Some I can recall, while others have slipped my mind.
There were also those moments where the river of life met the playfulness, energy, and intoxication of all that life offered and where I felt the pangs of loneliness and pain.
This is for all of them, and for all of you here as well.
"In My Life, I Have Loved You All"
back as far as my memory can take me. All the amazing people who have been there for me and my family – past and present; Places that have made me welcome, and where I have felt the pangs of loneliness; Play, the energy and fun that takes the mickey out of daily living.
But I begin with the end. If my life were to end tomorrow, this is what I would like to be played at my funeral, among other things of course